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Name : Mike Knowles

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Location : England Date : 22/11/2002

Former Master Gunnery Sergeant, USMC, (Rtd) Milton P. Smith.*

(Milton P. Smith served in the United States Marine Corps where he trained as a Combat Journalist. On leaving the marines he created the Corps of Marine Trained Debaters, a constructive anarchist group dedicated to replacing society with a better alternative. He is now living in the North of England.)

Attention on deck!

I have been investigating these cases of so-called Alien Abductions.

Holy Shit! There are some weird people out there!

So I am going to teach you fucking maggots how to deal with UFO’s. That is right. I’m talking about those little green skinned zipperheads who come down to Mother Earth to fuck with our shit.

Remember that film, Independence Day? A bunch of hard core aliens invaded the good old U-S-of-A and started wasting our major cities. Zap!...Zap!...Zap! And, in true Hollywood fashion, we managed to kick ass. And how did we do it? Get this, ladies. Some twinkle toed pinko liberal queer scriptwriter came up with this fucking nerd who defeated them with his Apple Mac Powerbook. I mean, what other fucking computer operating system would an alien intelligence use? It had to be Mac OS 8.5, right?

Jesus H. Christ!

It’s just lucky those zipperheads weren’t using Windows 95!

Meanwhile, out in the real world, the real aliens are pissing on our parade. You ladies had better understand that we are at war. So what do these cocksuckers look like? What is the target profile? Well, we have reports that they are about four feet tall, with large pear shaped heads and big, slanted, black eyes. Four feet tall? I shit turds bigger than that. One thing’s for sure - these are ugly little motherfuckers.

For the purposes of identification, we will classify the enemy as Extra-terrestrial Zipperheads, or EZ’s. And get this, ladies. According to eyewitness reports, most of their UFO’s are saucer shaped. What kind of fucking spaceship is that? I mean, what sort of slimy alien slopeheaded cocksuckers fly through space aboard a fucking Frisbee? Check it out, sweetheart. A real rocket is shaped like a dick.

So what are these EZ’s doing here? Intelligence reports indicate the following Alien Mission Protocols:

1. Random Animal Mutilation
2. Human Abduction - with the aim of conducting painful and highly personal medical examinations.

Let’s take the first one. Several strange cases of animal mutilation have been reported in Texas. It seems that a bunch of these scroungy little fucks are coming from outer space and cutting up cows using some kind of laser device.


Like Gunnery Sergeant Hartman said in Full Metal Jacket, only steers and queers come from Texas. And drunks. Which, in my book, does not make the inhabitants of the Lone Star State the most reliable of witnesses. On the other hand, maybe they’re right. Maybe there is a logical explanation for all this. Maybe these EZ’s are training to be butchers.

Next we have the human abductions. Here is just one example: In 1989, a 43 year old Pennsylvanian chicken farmer called Charles Perkasky, was abducted on a deserted country road by a bunch of EZ’s. Taking him into their UFO, they forced him to lie down on a shiny metal operating-type table. Then they proceeded to shove some kind of probe into his anus. The probe was described as being of a dark grey plastic material with a pointed end which gave off a strange orange glow.

“I don’t know what they were trying to do,” Perkasky told investigators later, “but it sure as hell cured my haemorrhoids!” (Hey, Charley! I just hope it was a probe he stuck up your ass! Know what I mean?)

We also have reports of EZ’s stealing sperm to use in some sort of gene pool. In other words, I Was Masturbated By Aliens!...or ET Had His Finger Up My Crotch! So what do I think? Well, as far as Mr Perkasky is concerned, I can’t figure out why a bunch of intellectually superior beings would travel across the galaxy just to look up his asshole. Maybe it was worth it. Maybe they were alien proctologists looking for the most interesting anal sphincter in the universe. As for the sexual angle? I can relate to that. Like sailors everywhere, those EZ’s occasionally drop anchor at some far distant port to sample the local pussy.*

So what are their tactical imperatives? For example, when these EZ’s land on earth, just who the fuck do they contact? Politicians?...scientists?...the military?


These cocksuckers travel millions of light years just so they can contact Mr and Mrs John-Fucking-Doe. That is an affirmative. These dumbasses seek out plain nobodies. They abduct rednecks and wetbacks. They buzz cops on the beat and airline pilots. Maybe they even target welfare cases. So what does that tell you, ladies? It tells you that these EZ’s do not belong to any kind of organised and disciplined military force. They are not marines. They are not grunts. Because the first thing a grunt learns, is that quickest way to win a battle is by destroying the enemy’s Chain of Command.

In my book, any intelligent beings would be sitting in the White House talking to the Head Honcho - instead of fucking some chicken farmer in the ass on a lonely dirt road in Pennsylvania. So what the fuck are they doing? Well, maybe these EZ’s are a bunch of dopeheads. Maybe they’re spaced out, space cadets. Maybe they’re so busy snorting Martian coke they don’t know what the fuck day it is. In other words, this planet is being invaded by a bunch of substance abusers. In which case, we won’t need the Marine Corps. All we have to do is send in an army of drug counsellors.

On the other hand, this could all be part of some sort of psychological warfare aimed at disorientating us. If that is so, then just how smart are these cocksuckers? Well, to answer that question, let’s take a look at Star Trek. Don’t get me wrong...I am not a fan of the show. The only guy on the USS Enterprise with any balls is Warf. Holy shit! Those Klingons sure do have a pair. No wonder they walk funny and grunt a lot. I’d walk funny too, if I had a couple of brass globes the size of ripe watermelons dangling between my legs! There it is.

But, when it comes to technology, Picard and his crew have really got their shit together. Check it out. They got replicators...holodecks...warp speed engines. And all this stuff is necessary because, according to the story line, the Enterprise is conducting an ongoing recon mission. Which means they have to scope out any planets that come their way. And, if they do need to visit a planet, they just step into their transporter and say, “Beam me down, Scotty!”

Now let’s look at those poor EZ’s. Because they don’t have a matter transporter, they have to land the ship the hard way. And when they get here, they don’t even have a tri-corder. This is a basic piece of Federation equipment that is carried by all members of the away team. It’s simple to use. By pointing it at someone, you can measure the size of their dick, right down to distinguishing their individual strands of DNA! Pretty neat, huh?

So it stands to reason that if they did have tri-corders, then they wouldn’t need to kidnap some poor motherfucker and stick a probe up their ass. All these medical tests could be done by just using this little gizmo. You get the picture? We’re told that these EZ’s are supposed to belong to an advanced civilisation, yet they can’t even match the technology in a goddam TV science fiction show! No wonder they don’t attack us. Those cocksuckers are probably still using flintlocks!

Personally, I am ready for a Close Encounter of the Third Kind. In fact, I pray each night for the Good Lord to send me an EZ. And, if this motherfucker wants to conduct some sort of experiment on me, then he’s going to have a fight on his hands. That’s an affirmative. Like all ex-marines, I carry my old government issue 1911A1, .45 calibre Colt Automatic Pistol. This little baby throws a 230 grain lead slug through the air at a speed of 860 feet-per-second and has a striking energy of 365 pounds-per-square-foot. In other words, it’ll blow that little cocksucker’s pear shaped head clean off his shoulders!

Okay, maggots, let’s get ourselves some motivation here. What do you do if you find yourselves abducted by a bunch of EZ’s? You kick ass. So, repeat after me:

UFO’s come from outer space,
To pick a fight with the human race,
Extra terrestials are easy meat,
Squash them flat right under your feet.

We will send a clear message across the galaxy: If you land on this planet, then you will have to deal with the United States Marine Corps. Marines are hard core dudes. They do not take shit from anyone - especially not a bunch of doe-eyed little motherfuckers like you.

Semper fi, do or die! Gung ho, you assholes!

I even heard about a bunch of male abductees who swore they were forced to have sex with a seductive alien female. Forced?


How can you force a guy to have sex? One thing is sure: they were not marines. A marine will screw any type of female - terrestrial or otherwise.

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