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Name : Amanda Danielle Sanchez

Email :
Location : Northern California Date : 22/11/2002

Swivel Down, My Boy

When I am ready for a sleep
Burrowing down, I deeply creep
A little wire, a sweet smell
Well, lets swivel down my shell
A cool drink, a nice warm body
Get in here.....let's be naughty
Drowzy slumber on two skins
When we destroy voices of men
Hot breath thats simply tasteful
Got some time; don't be wasteful
Wrap your legs tight around mine
Shine your lovelyness: its devine
Kiss me from here to there
Then burry me nuzzled in your hair
don't worry 'bout clothes; we're good bare
under the blue sheet we love to share

Uncover the Repetition

Ah! Give me that spinning wheel
It flusters round and round, not knowing its strength
So fast, that my hair blows in it's wake
What is this wheel anyways?
This burdonsom cricle that wont stop for anything must have a name
"Time"...what a simple name for such an unescapable beast
When I venture a chase after it, it sneaks by and comes after me
snapping at my heels the whole way
Humans are powerful animals that conquor all that is in creation...
Yet this is one preditor that can not be tamed
What an ugly obstical this is!
We are so helpless to this "time"
It suddenly became more abhoringly visious once it found what I was striving for
Five months, no, four months until I am allowed to see my lover with peace
And another seven or so following until he and I can make residance together!
Oh, "time" do have mercy on us!
True, you have permitted a few visits
yet it seems our amount given is devoured so quickly
How do I escape the jejunity between?
Well, when I see my man again
I wont be cheated.......this time.......

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