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Name : Don Roach

Email :
Location : Dorset, UK Date : 22/11/2002

Pelios let the curtain fall back across the casino office window. They had found him. Two black suited men had alighted from an equally black looking sedan parked across the street. How they loved their stereotypes, he thought.
“Trouble Boss?”
The question came from a Vincenzo Gordino, a small time dealer of many things and full time mouth on the criminal underworld that thrived in Chicago.
“No Mr Gordino, just a minor inconvenience.” Pelios pushed a button on the desk’s intercom, “Mr Allasar, they have arrived. Have security detain them as long as possible. Have yourself, Mr Carrodan and Miss Anhar report to my office immediately. It’s time we were leaving.”
Pelios ended the call and flashed a reassuring grin to Vincenzo. Placated by Pelios’ obvious ease Vinnie began to relax.
“I trust you brought the merchandise with you?”
“Certainly did boss.” Vinnie patted the left side of his jacket, “You want it now?”
Pelios dazled him again with another smile, “I want it now Mr Gordino.”
As Vinnie fumbled beneath his cheap suit, Pelios sat behind his desk and opened a draw. Vinnie ceased his enthusiastic search and with all the puppy dog affection he could muster produced a small wooden chalice which he offered to Pelios. Pelios shook his head and placed on the table a black leather pouch. Vinnie giggled nervously as he opened the pouch and placed the object inside. As he tightened the drawstring words began to appear on the leather. As he gazed at their pattern and blood red hue he thought he recognised some of it as latin, but his strict catholic upbringing was years in the past, comprehension was not forthcoming. As Pelios reached across and took the pouch the office door opened and in walked two men and a woman. Al three were impeccably dressed, the men in suits, the woman in a purple evening gown with a slit up the left side that went way past the thigh.
“My friends, it appears our work hear is done. Thanks to the efforts of Mr Gordino we have what we need.” Pelios stood and walked around the desk hand extended to Vinnie. Vinnie, poster child for any man’s ignorance is bliss campaign, rose from his seat and accepted Pelios’ outstretched hand. The hand shake was warm and friendly and progressed into a familial embrace, accompanied by words such as ‘paisan’. Vinnie was about to voice his thanks and elevate ‘arse kissing’ to new heights, when Pelios grabbed him by the cheap lapels and forced his mouth onto Vinnie’s. Being the career homophobe he was Vinnie freaked. Unable to break Pelios’ hold he started lashing out. He could feel Pelios’ tongue wriggling between his lips. Vinnie gritted his teeth and intensified his struggles. The two of them began to lurch about the room to the appparent hysterics of Pelios’ associates. Vinnie’s panic was overode by pain as he felt his teeth snap under the pressure of Pelios’ probing tongue. !
Locked at the mouth all Vinnie could do was choke down the blood as he gazed into his attacker’s eyes. Pelios pupils seemed to ripple then slowly expand to cover the once deep green orbs. Vincenzo’s muffled screams ceased as the invading member swelled and punched through the back of his skull. His twitching corpse hit the ground to a tirade of applause from the onlookers. Pelios wiped his mouth with a flourish as he recieved the adulation of his peers,
“Catholics taste good!”
The office door splintering inward ruined any chance of an encore.
“Infernal Affairs! You move you lose body parts.” The two steroetypes from earlier stepped in brandishing badges and heavy calibre hand cannons. It was the older of the two that spoke. At just under six feet he was dwarfed by his six and a half foot partner, but his manner and bearing seemed to scream authority.
“Hector Pelios, I have a warrant for your arrest under the prevention of Demonic Arts Act. You and your associates will remain were you are and in your current forms, failure to comply will result in lethal force.”
Pelios flashed the man one of his better grins, “Agent Tobias, so good to see you, and with a new partner to boot. Tell me John, how’s the leg?”
“The scars are fading nicely thank you. How’s the face?”
“Which one?”
Tobias let the jocular banter fly over his head. This served no other purpose except giving he and his partner the chance to give Pelios’ friends the ‘once over’. This would not go well. As soon as he knew Pelios was involved blood on the carpet was a certainty. Keeping it on said carpet and not spilling over into the streets and lives of the general public that was going to be the hard part. As the tension in the room built he cast a sideways glance at his partner. Johnson was his name, Delroy Johnson. He had been in the department for five years following a distinguished if slightly covert career among the United States Special Forces. Today was his debut as Tobias partner. Ten hours into the shift and he was still alive. Better than the last guy.
“Quit while you’re ahead John,” Pelios nodded towards his associates, “my three jacks beat a pair of aces such as yourselves. Walk away.”
“Not only are you a demonic abomination, you also can’t count.” Johnson’s sentence was full stopped by the roar of .475-calibre pistol he had levelled at Mr Carrodan. The bullet ruined Carrodan’s suit just above the left breast pocket. The round lifted him off his feet and slammed him into the wall, as with a scream comparable to a soul being put through a blender, heralded the Demon’s demise as his corporeal form turned to dust.
Johnson continued, “Mmm Mmm, it’s like I always say, if you’re going to say it, say it with a consecrated round. Now you only hold a pair,” Johnson’s gun turned toward Allasar, “wanna’ go for jack high?”
Pelios noticed Allasar tense. He and Carrodan had been close, closer than most in their line of work. Unlike Carrodan though Pelios still had a use for Allasar’s talents.
“I take your point. May I?” Pelios motioned to his jacket pocket.
Johnson nodded, “Slowly!”
Tobias had noticed the almost imperceptible moment of body language between Pelios and his underling, he was sure Johnson had not. Johnson however had forced the issue. Tobias had told Johnson to follow his lead and not be too eager for confrontation. Johnson had replied with several expletives and informed Tobias he was not dealing with a rookie and furthermore could he keep his English opinions to himself. Yet another descendant of African slaves who after suffering generations of abuse at the hands of white North Americans, still finds the time to take it out on anyone who speaks the correct form of the Queen’s English. Emancipation, one has to love it.
Pelios had removed the leather pouch and was letting it dangle by its drawstring. Johnson’s manner seemed to relax, but he still kept his gun levelled at Allasar,
“Very good Mr Pelios. Now, bring it over here and we can all be on our way.”
Pelios flashed Johnson a perfect smile and took a step forward. A split second before his second foot landed Pelios flicked his wrist and sent the leather pouch and it’s contents hurtling toward Johnson, striking him on his gun hand. There was a bright flash, a scream of pain and the unmistakable aroma of burnt flesh. The charge the diabolic runes inflicted on the sadly, not attuned Johnson, flung him backwards into what was left of the doorframe. Johnson hit the floor like a string less marionette.
Tobias was about to open up on Pelios when his instincts screamed at another course of action. He dropped and rolled further into the room, cutting down the charging Allasar and sending him barrelling into the wall. Tobias rose in one fluid motion, gun now trained on the desk Pelios had dived behind. A blur of movement on his periphery and high-pitched keening, heralded the approach of an incensed Miss Anahr. The former beauty’s features twisted and writhed as her infernal nature came to the fore. Talons reaching for Tobias’ flesh replaced nails once highly manicured. Eyes still fixed on the desk that hid Pelios Tobias let his other senses take over. He heard the rush of breath from Anahr’s snarling lips as certain of a kill she leapt. He could smell her expensive body spray losing it’s own battle against her natural scent as her excitement rose. He heard and felt the mechanism of a ten-inch spring-loaded blade fall into place as he raised his left arm. Miss Anahr’s inertia !
took care of the rest as ten-inches of consecrated steel pierced her left breast. Her final scream was as loud as it was abrupt. Miss Anahr’s once elegant form turned to dust around Tobias’ extended arm as with the destruction of her corporeal self, her ethereal self, or soul, was cast back to hell. There she would languish in frustration and torment, usually for the better part of a century, until returning to the mortal coil. The ‘New Arrivals’ bureau of Hell was based on one of the more successful self inflicted torments man had indulged in over the ages. Heathrow. Not once had Tobias moved his gaze from the desk that Pelios hid behind.
Johnson was in agony. Hell-fire runes hurt; that is to say they hurt like hell. Through the pain and borderline unconsciousness he could not really tell just how damaged his hand was, or if it was still there. His well-honed survival instincts informed him he had other matters to worry about. Four feet from where he lay was an extremely annoyed Mr. Allasar, who in true Demon tradition was looking for someone to vent his frustrations on, namely Johnson. With his one good hand Del frantically searched for his only viable weapon. As Allasar loomed closer Del found what he was looking for, a small black aerosol, no more than four inches in length and one in diameter. Even at such close range, his pain-wracked vision could barely make out his target. To compensate Del just popped the cap and sprayed the immediate area.
Allasar had been set for an easy kill right up until the wounded suited monkey sprayed him full in the face and neck with the I.A.D. version of mace, a.k.a. Holy water. There was some speculation among agents about what it actually was. All scientific examinations confirmed that it was indeed water, H20, Adam’s ale, whatever you want to call it. Some remained sceptical but all agreed one thing; it worked like a bastard! Allasar felt his skin crack and blister. Waves of ice-cold fire wracked his body. Killing was no longer foremost on his mind, survival was. Allasar put his head down and charged over Johnson, stomping down as hard as he could and feeling slightly better when he heard and felt bones and cartilage snap accompanied by the monkey’s agonized screams.
Never one to give up, Del managed to get one final barrage off before consciousness left him. As Allasar dove through the nearest window Del’s retributive strike caught him full in the behind. The Demon known as Allasar fell into the night, his reputation slighted, his face now like a char-grilled pizza and his arse on fire.
“Don’t make me come behind there and get you.” Tobias stood staring at the table as, after a moments pause, two perfectly manicured hands levered a slightly, ‘shaken but not stirred’ Pelios from behind the desk. After taking a moment to dust himself down Pelios flashed Tobias his trademark smile,
“Did we win?”
“If ‘we’ means you, no.”
“Pity. Am I the last?”
“Your number two made it out the window with the assistance of my partner, the others are dust. Care to join them?” Tobias slowly cocked the hammer on his ‘475.
“As much as I appreciate their company, no. No thank you John.”
“Then give me the cup.”
“Of course! Where are my manners?” Pelios made a meal of searching his seemingly endless pockets for the item in question, but after a few choice glares from Tobias said item was retrieved. Pelios extended his hand. In his palm rested a leather pouch, identical in appearance to the one that struck Johnson.
“Well done Hector. Just put it on the desk, I’ll pick it up when I’m done.”
Pelios’ smile wavered, “Done what John?”
“I’m sorry, I meant when you’re done.”
Pelios saw the stone-cold look in Tobias’ eyes, saw his opponents finger tighten around the trigger. He knew what coming so he decided not to be there. With all the speed his infernal self could muster he leapt for the window.
Tobias had a perfect shot at the back of the Demon’s head as he made his break for freedom. John shifted his aim slightly, and then fired twice. The first round tore off Pelios’ right ear causing him to spin reflexively. The second hit him square in the left shoulder, adding to his momentum and blasting him through the window. The Demon’s howls of pain and rage were cut short by the sickening thud as he impacted on the asphalt five storeys below. With a satisfied smile on his lips, Tobias reached into his jacket for his phone,
“Control, this is Tobias. Package is retrieved and the fox is running. I put a tracer in him so I need satellite and Magickal surveillance. Call me when you’ve triangulated target’s final position. I also need a clean up squad and something federal to deal with the cops,” Tobias paused and looked at the broken, but still breathing, Del Johnson, “inform Director Rushington that Agent Johnson passed the audition, though he’ll need a few days in hospital. Tobias out.”
John exchanged phone for cigar, then produced a small windproof metal lighter engraved with the words, ‘Not by strength, by guile.’ His adrenaline began to subside after the first exhalation of the sickly sweet smoke. As he stood looking out of the shattered window he hoped the clean up squad would make good time. The local cable network was running a late night sport channel that had recently started showing the English football season. He could still catch the tail end of Arsenal v Tottenham. Come on you gunners!

Del awoke eighteen hours later. His private room in Chicago’s general hospital was awash with a sea of get well cards and fake flowers, sent by various well wishers who were saddened to hear about his barbecue accident, and offered their full support. Said support belonged to the plastic flower brigade who were urging him to use their company to seek financial recompense. He was not sure when the ambulance chasing law practices that were rife in Chicago had stepped into playing florists, but strangely it seemed to make sense. Especially when he reached to get a glass of water from his bedside table and noticed their bill for the cheap imitation jungle that was his room. As the expletives began to burst forth the door opened and in walked a nurse that caught the tail end of his anatomically questionable statement concerning lawyers and their ilk.
“Such language Mr Johnson! You must be feeling better.”
Delroy glared at the nurse as she peered over the plastic floral barricade that surrounded his bed. Even with her regulation hair and sun deprived complexion she was rather pretty, in a matronly sort of way. Had to be the uniform. Del was a great believer of women in uniform. That’s partly why he joined up anyway.
“Come now Mr Johnson, don’t be shy. How are you feeling?”
By now she had managed to clear a path through the plastic jungle and stood at the foot of the bed reading his chart. Her name badge said Ellie. Her stance said yes I am this short but I do not care. Her deep brown eyes scanned the information on the chart with a detached concern. As her eyes followed the information before her, one lock of hair escaped the bondage of pins and grips and slid delicately down her brow to settle along her cheek. Del was in love.
“I’m feeling better Ellie. Thank you.”
“Well, now you’re awake I’ll have the Doctor come take a look at you. Can I get you anything?”
Del resisted the urge to suggest a gym mat, some baby oil and a couple of hours of her time, and just shook his head,
“No thank you Ellie.”
“Well, if you need anything use the call button. I’m just down the hall.”
“Thank you Ellie.”
“Yes, thank you Ellie.”
Startled by the unknown voice behind her, Ellie turned. Johnson winced and let his smile fade away as he, unlike Ellie, recognised it.
“I’m sorry, didn’t mean to startle you. I’m John Tobias, Del’s boss. How’s the patient?”
“He’ll survive, but you might want to remind him to take it easy. I must go I have other patients.”
Both men took time to appreciate her departure, as she strode confidently from the room.
“Nice girl Del. You might want to close your mouth now.”
“Yeah, yeah, abuse a man when he’s down. What the hell do you want?”
“I just came to see how my partner was.” Tobias picked up Del’s chart, “Ouch! Smashed patella, fractured femur, torn intercostals, three cracked ribs and second-degree burns to the right hand and forearm. That’s got to hurt!”
“Damn straight! But I think I’m flying air Demerol. I’ve got this god-awful taste in the back of my throat and I’m actually pleased to see you. I must be on drugs.”
“Probably for the best. It should help you with the pain.”
“Excuse me?”
Tobias reached into his pocket and pulled out a small wooden chalice engulfed in a red satin bow
“That’s not very damn funny!”
“Really? The boss thought you might appreciate the irony.” Tobias removed the bow, and then from another pocket produced a small silver flask. Del heard a faint fizz as Tobias poured some of the contents into the chalice, “Down in one please Del.”
“Del, the boss wants you on your feet and in the office, in the next thirty minutes. It’s a twenty minute drive.”
“Are you telling me this is the real deal?”
“I hope so, or it’ll be both our heads adorning the boss’s trophy wall.”
“Trophy what?”
“Trophy wall. Now drink up, taxidermy is not an option.”
Half expecting more of his work colleagues to burst in shouting loud chorus of ‘SUCKER!’ Del did as instructed. He had no idea what to expect. As the bubbles danced over his tongue compared to mineral water, then he noticed a slow smile start to spread across Tobias’ features. Certain now, of having been taken for a fool, Del let his temper take the lead.
“You sonofabitch! Think it’s funny to mock a ‘brother’ on his sickbed? When I get out of here you and I have some serious issues to work out you sinister looking, ‘limey’ burnout Motherfu…”
Del lost the power of speech as the first convulsion took him. In total they lasted just under a minute. To Del it was an eternity. Unable to shout or cry, all he could do was ride it out as each convulsion hit. Tobias during all of Del’s berating had moved a chair closer to the bed and made himself comfortable. Unlike Del he had known what to expect as he’d seen it before. He’d also endured it twice. Both were events he had tried to forget. Initially he had been surprised by his superiors’ instruction to return his partner to active status as soon as possible. Use of ‘The Cup’ outside of sanctioned miracles was frowned upon to say the least. Penalties ranged from excommunication, imprisonment and sometimes death. The latter often being the fate of the drinker. If ‘The Cup’ deemed you unworthy, you died horribly.
Tobias heard the popping and snapping of cartilage as ‘The Cup’s’ ministrations reached a climax. Over the top of the bed’s protestations at it’s wildly convulsing burden, John could hear the faintest of murmurs escaping Del’s throat. Tobias took this as his cue, rose from his chair and retreated to a safer distance. His timing was impeccable. Del came off the bed with all the enthusiasm of a scalded cat.
“Hardly appropriate considering the circumstances, Agent Johnson.”
Del looked at his hands. The right one was completely healed, no sign of burns or trauma, just an everyday man’s best friend. The left was still gripped tightly around a small wooden cup.
“I’ll take that back now Del.”
Tobias extended his hand; Del reverently placed the cup in Tobias’ palm.
“So that’s the genuine deal?”
“Yes Del. It’s the cup of Christ.”
“Holy shit!!”
“Exactly. Now get dressed, the boss wants a word.”

The journey across town was quiet. Tobias thought it best to let Del ponder, religious epiphanies don’t happen every day, best to let him savour the moment. As the black sedan weaved through the seven p.m. traffic Tobias searched the radio for something not born of corporate greed. As the intro to Nazareth’s ‘This flight tonight’ began, he lit a cigar and croaked along as best as he could. Four blocks from I.A.D. headquarters, Del broke the silence,
“Do you believe in God, John?”
“Which one?”
“God. Jehovah. Old guy with extensive facial hair and a striking resemblance to a former president of the N.R.A.”
Due to Del’s previous ordeal, Tobias let the sarcasm slide, “Oh, that one. I believe in a supreme force of good, for want of a more accurate description, therefore I also believe in a supreme force of evil.”
“All the years you’ve been in the field and that’s all you can come up with? That’s pretty damn vague!”
“You want vague, look at the organisation we serve. All of those conflicting theological beliefs, that after millennia of warring on one another, enslaving one another and generally being unpleasant, after all that they manage to find one example of common ground. Unfortunately unlike the song suggested, love was not all we need. Fear was. As soon as they found their particular brands of Angels and Demons could come out to play, they formed us. Unfortunately the people don’t know. Mother church, father church, whatever flavour do not want their congregations to know the truth. In the shadows they cooperate, in the light they remain at each other’s throats. People still die.”
“So you don’t believe in God?”
“A belief in God is not a prerequisite of our recruitment procedures.”
“Can I just get a straight answer?”
“Do you believe in God?”
“I have one belief in God, or whatever name he, she or it goes by.”
“And that is?”
“God is cruel!”
“Amen brother. Amen.”

Dwayne Beauregard Johnson was to all appearances a slack jawed ‘yokel’. From his portly dungaree clad frame, to his pronounced brow and disturbingly lazy left eye. Usually the image would not be complete without at least one bucket of fried chicken, but tonight Dwayne was working and that meant keeping his fat stubby fingers free from chicken grease so he could indulge in his one true passion. Poker. He always had been good with cards, ever since he was a little boy on his Grandma’s pig farm in Alabama. Granny taught her little boy well. She also taught him ‘the sight’. With Granny’s tuition, he found he had a gift. He could see future events. She taught him to use cards as a focus to augment his talent and teach him a living. Professional gamblers could live well. Professional gamblers that could tell what card their opponent will draw before they draw it could live like a king. Sadly the one thing Granny failed to teach Dwayne was temperance. Shortly after she died, he sol!
d the farm for stake money and with a little over twelve thousand dollars headed for Vegas. By the end of the week he moved into the presidential suite of a traditional Vegas ‘family’ run hotel. By the end of the second he was a marked man with a price on his head.
After a good evening session at the tables Dwayne had decided to call it a night. He was up over six figures, everyone called him sir, and the hostesses gave him preferential treatment. Dwayne was a big tipper and word had got around. As he stepped from the elevator onto his floor, he saw her. She was crying softly to herself outside the door to one of the suites. Startled, she turned as she heard him approach. Her skin was bronze, her hair raven black. She had the deepest brown eyes he had ever seen. In some strange way the smudged mascara accentuated her beauty. Dwayne liked his women vulnerable and dependant. As he stepped closer he noticed she was not wearing any shoes. Even her feet were beautiful, and the natural shape of her legs was starting to make him sweat. The little black dress she wore clung to a well-proportioned frame, flaring over her hips, swooping in at her waist and clinging to her ample bosom. Dwayne had never liked the Hollywood, ‘Big is best!’ stereoty!
pe. As Granny told him after she caught him with a stack of men’s magazines, ‘Anything more than a handful can sprain your tongue.’ Dwayne liked her reasoning, which was why he was into legs and behinds and as this girl turned to leave he could see she was blessed in all departments. To Dwayne’s delight he noticed she was drunk as hell as she tried to stagger away. He adopted all the southern charm he could muster and made his move. By the time he reached his suite he had learned her name was Luciana, and she had just had a fight with her boyfriend, some rich kid from Manhattan and daddy was not returning her calls. It was all he could do to stop drooling as he closed the door to his suite and locked it. Luciana headed straight for the booze and kept talking. As she settled onto the couch and into yet another glass of bourbon, Dwayne made his move. In the time it took to cross to the couch he removed his shirt and jacket and stood leering down at this beautiful creature. He !
saw revulsion cross her face as she watched the play of his belly over his waistline. Her nose wrinkled in disgust as his body odour assailed her senses. Finally disgust turned to fear as she noticed something stir along his left inside trouser leg. To Dwayne, her look of fear as she noticed his crotch was the biggest turn on he had ever had. All rational left him as he threw himself on her. As 265 pounds of Dwayne drove the air from her lungs he pinned her across the shoulders and throat with his left forearm, while he tore the dress away with his free hand. His frantic stubby fingers, wrenched free her strapless black lace bra then dove in search of her matching panties. As soon as he had ripped them away he struggled to free his painfully erect penis. Luciana got her wind back just as she felt her legs forced open. Dwayne thrust his entire frame downwards as Luciana finally managed to scream. Sadly it was not to be her last. In Vegas everyone hears you scream. Only no one!
gives a damn.
A little over three hours later Dwayne finished for the last time. He left Luciana hanging over the side of the king-sized bath. She had not moved for almost an hour now. He supposed she must be comfortable. As he stepped into the destruction that had become the lounge, the first of two searing visions took him. On a cold mortuary slab attended by a grieving mother and father, lay Luciana. Hundreds of mourners then stepped from dozens of expensive limousines as he found himself at her graveside amid a group of dangerous looking, well dressed men. In their left hand they each held a playing card, the four of clubs. In their right they each held a set of freshly severed male genitalia. Dwayne reflexively cupped his hands towards his crotch as, in unison, the men stepped closer. Dwayne felt something slick and warm. He uncupped his hands and turned them over. They were covered with blood. His blood. The circle of men grew closer. Dwayne retreated another step, and then fell bac!
kwards into Luciana’s open grave. As he looked up he saw the suited men looking down. One by one they dropped the cards and severed members into the grave, much to Dwayne’s disgust. When the first severed penis began to move independently, Dwayne started to freak. If it had not been for two arms bursting forth from the coffin beneath him and holding him like a vice, he would have been off and running. Now all he could do was scream and struggle ineffectually against the arms’ unearthly grip. Soon after the first one started to move the rest-followed suit. He could feel them crawling up his trouser legs, crawling over his chest, his struggles began to intensify. From the corner of his eye he noticed one focusing on his ear. He felt it’s first tentative probes as it nudged against his ear hole. His attention changed when three began a slow crawl up and over his belly. Sheer agony flooded throughout his senses as his first orifice was compromised. His eardrum burst under the pr!
essure from the intruding severed member as, serpent like, it began to twist and writhe its way in.
Dwayne’s senses snapped back to reality as the first vision passed. He was sat on the couch in his suite, his head was pounding and if his olfactory sense was correct, he had recently soiled himself. He found that he was reluctant to use the bathroom, but things were getting uncomfortable. As personal hygiene struggled against his fears, Vision number two rode roughshod across his senses.
He was packing. Desperately trying to force as many of his belongings into his suitcases as possible. He knew he was in trouble and from the state of the suite he could tell that at some point there had been a party of titanic proportions, but through any vague recollections there was an undercurrent of absolute terror. He knew if he stayed, he would be dead by the end of the day. Time seemed to slide, for in the next instant he found himself outside the suite, standing in the hall waiting for the elevator. After what seemed like an eternity it arrived. The doors began to open in slow motion. He heard footsteps approach from down the hall, accompanied by several mechanical sounds similar to the cocking action of an automatic weapon.

don roach2002

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