from hope
My Faith, to the hands of Doubt, I deliver.
Hope, from my dreams, unload.
No more to drown in Illusions dreary river,
emerging to walk Realities Road.
My Heart holds no more belief,
'twas killed by the fickle eye's of Foe's.
Forever was stolen by Time's Thief,
despite what my Soul bestows.
Desire's Fire burns dimly faint
from awaiting with bated breath.
I let go of Her, by whom I was slain't,
in time to defeat Depression's Death.
So Loyalty to my Sorrow I betray,
Wishes I make no more,
for Dreams made of smoke do not stay,
tho Forever, Her memory, my Heart doth bore.
My current flows inside you
like the gentle blow of air.
I stand with thyn body bare
while'th you drink my nectars brew.
My Soul, out of me, you drew,
for thyself-me you did declare,
and upon delivery, my Heart you did repair
with one touch of your brilliant Hue.
Kiss of breath
"Day, see in the bliss that slept."
They lead in thee ris of Death.
"Lay me in sin, tiz where we slept,
bathe me in thee bliss thats left"
"Say be sin, a kiss so depth?
Then may thee sin be this and kept.
'O lay me in thee bliss of death.
May thee sin be Kiss of breath." |