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Name : Malcolm Montgomery Email : 
Location : Glasgow, Scotland Date : 29/08/2002

The Zimkins 

The Zimkins are heading towards earth. They are eager to learn as much as they can about the planet, and about us! They decide that the best way to do this is to spend their time interacting with the children.The programme set would be the Zimkins spacecraft. They enjoy the company of toddlers because, like them, they see everything as new and exciting. The children are beamed aboard using the "transporter." In turn, the Zimkins use the transporter to beam down to Earth. Similar to pre-school children, the Zimkins are exploring the world and together they experience the same thrillsalong the way. Everyday brings a new challenge, a new learning experience or just an opportunity to sing, dance and have some fun.Together the Zimkins and the Children make good use of the "Learning Lab". This laboratory is full of great gadgets, a computer and of course - the transporter.The programme will include fantasy items when, by the use of video effects and simple graphics, everyone is transported to an intriguing location. This may be the Moon, a jungle with a friendly lion or a visit to the world of creepy crawlies - at their own size!


Deep in Outer Space, there is a small planet called ZIM. The little aliens who live there are called "Zimkins". Eager to learn more about the planets around them, and the people who live there, four Zimkins were selected to go on a mission of discovery. They would travel the galaxy in a special space shuttle, exploring new planets and their inhabitants.
The launch day had arrived. The Zimkins set off, their first destination would be a planet called "Earth".

The space shuttle exploded into life.
"Off we go!" said Kiki.
"Oh, I can't look!" shrieked Lili.
"Let me off! let me off!" yelled Mimba.
"Don't worry!" said Zak, "Just a few more minutes and everything will be fine!"
Zak was right; soon the shuttle was gliding effortlessly through space.
Kiki was amazed, "Look at all the stars!" she shouted.
"Is it always this dark? No-one said it was going to be dark!" muttered Mimba.
The shuttle zoomed forward deeper into space. Looking out the windows, the Zimkins could see wonderful bright shooting stars, and in the distance, lots of tiny planets.
"Which one is Earth?" asked Lili.
"Hopefully the nearest one" Mimba replied.

...............To be continued.

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