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Name : Dhan Whitelock Email :
Location : Nottingham, UK Date : 28/07/2002

He Aint Heavy.....................

(Dedicated to the eternal soul of Dean Cadwill. 1978-2001,))
"If it harms none, do what you will."

The protests at Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS), had begun after the institutes staff were filmed and then exposed by the national media, mistreating the animals they would then experiment on. Beagle handlers were filmed as they beat the dogs, punching small puppies hard in the face, then throwing the helpless animals to the concrete floor.

HLS had been involved in the safety testing of herbicides, food colourings, and genetically modified foods. Records showed that an average of five hundred animals died every single day. These included recees monkeys, beagle pups, birds, fish and others. Once the tapes came into the public domain it wasn't hard for the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) to gain support from "ordinary" members of the public, rallying for the closure of the torture factory. Also joining the fight were those disaffected youths that may have otherwise joined a cult, or started a new sport, even started working with Daddy. The aim was to free as many animals as possible. In many parts of the world this course of direct action earned ALF the unwanted title of Terrorists.

Three weeks after the tapes were first aired, and the story blown wide open, the number of protesters, compared to the number of Police and private security contactors, had reached its critical control point. That is not to say that a riot was due to break out at any second, but it did mean that ALF, who due to good policing only had five operatives present, were able to sneak one operative, Dean Cadwill, past security and into the building.

Dean made it to the fifth floor. His disguise of a white lab. coat, plus accompanying tie and shirt were long gone. Replaced by the ALF uniform, black everything, including balaclava. It came down to looking better should photographs be taken of agents, obviously it also protected their identities.
During the briefing before the mission started that day Tim was elected as the one that would get past the cordons and inside. Deans role had been just to create the diversion to allow it to happen. But something had gone wrong and Tim was denied, but a chance was left for someone to get in. Being the fighter for animal rights that he was, Dean bravely took the opportunity.

But now he was lost, and running a high risk of being exposed. This was his first direct action with ALF, but he had acted on his own before. Setting the animals free from the pound, saving them from certain death, had been his proudest moment. Now though he was starting to doubt his nerve.
To get his bearings he ducked into what looked like a tea room. First he checked it was clear by squinting through the smoked glass door. Inside there were two "bench" sofas, some cupboards and a kettle. The Sunday sport pages on the wall made him chuckle, and brought down the already low image that the room projected.

Unfortunately also in the room was someone from HLS! Dean put his radio to his mouth and spoke. The speaker in the van next to me crackled to life, ", fucking found Tyson!!" Deans codename that day was "hellfire". "Tyson" had been the nickname that ALF had given the sick bastard that was filmed punching the poor beagle pups. I never heard Dean speak again. Ever.

Outside a director of Huntingdon Life Sciences took to a makeshift stage to give an address to the protesters. He seemed put out that the crowd wouldn't hush for his pathetic speech. He went on about how of course HLS killed animals, but it was the aim of the institute to save any human life they could. I continued to try and raise my life long friend on the radio.

Dean was buried five days later.

A verdict of death by misadventure was recorded at the inquest held in Peterborough, 6.12.01. I attended both the inquest and the funeral as the friend I truly was, not as a member of ALF. I have known Lorna (his Mum) all my life, and her daughter Paula all of hers, they're my family in all but blood.

It has been killing me that ALF has kept quiet about it's involvement, but since the terrorist attacks on The World Trade Centre, anyone ever accused of being a "terrorist group" is keeping quiet.
I hope Dean understands this. In fact I know he will. He died without reason, he died in vain, and I can't tell Lorna or Paula the truth. That's why I hate myself.

I am writing this now for them I guess. Two days ago, under minimal publicity, ALF published the addresses of all HLS employees on an encrypted web site. Tyson’s was there, though ALF want no part in any direct action, I do.

Whoever finds this, why ever you find it, I just want justice for Dean, Paula and Lorna.

Forgive me my brother
For failing that day
For letting you die
In that horrible way
I'll vow you this promise
By my hand he'll pay
Or I'll be with you
By the end of the day.

Steve Jason.

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