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Name : Malcolm Montgomery  Email :
Location : Glasgow, Scotland Date : 21/07/2002


Always looking for answers - Always taking chances.
They lock you away for the things that you say.
No-one knows that your missing - screaming, but who's there to listen?
You lie there alone - between four walls made of stone.

Who said you could have an opinion.
Your thoughts drift into the oblivion.
Walking, but your getting nowhere.
Tell me, why do you care?
Enough - to give - an opinion.

(Complete version on request)


I see shadows - I can't define.
Voices echo - inside my mind.
Familiar faces - I can't recall.
Reassure me - before I fall.

Before I fall - alone into the darkness
It's all gone wrong - and all I fell is sadness
Because I know - I need to be forgive.
Before I gain - my passage into heaven

(Complete version on request)


No ordinary boy - you can see there's something missing.
Although he's always smiling - his thoughts are far away.
Today he just turned seven - and he feels more forgiving.
But don't you be mistaken - he hides his pain inside.

And he'll grow stronger - because he needs too.
He may stumble every now and then.
But if he falls - you can be certain.
That he'll rise up - and try again.

(Complete version on request)

I anyone is interested to read or publish my work - contact me.

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