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Name : Roxanne Levy Email :
Location : London, UK Date : 06/07/2002

Commuter Survival Guide

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! It's enough to drive you round the bend. It’s a nightmare on wheels. Constant signal failures, delays, lame excuses and garbled announcements - which sound like the train driver has eaten a sheep underwater. It's not stop stress. Your blood pressure is high and your whole body shakes with emotion, even before you reach work.

With over 3 million train passenger journeys made each day on the London underground alone that leaves a lot of stressed and fed up people.

However, there is a solution to this constant misery.

The Commuters Survival Guide. Designed to help you conquer the never-ending despair you feel and make travelling by tube a far more enlightening, educational and fun experience.


Travelling to work could broaden your horizons and increase your brainpower. A 30-minute train journey usually takes two hrs. Imagine how much you could learn if you used that time constructively.

· Learn new languages. Take a language book/tape with you. By the time you reach your destination you will be fluent. You could start off with the easier languages such as French and Spanish, moving onto Dutch, Japanese, Maori or even Serbo-Croat. You can buy tapes and books at Borders for around £10.
· Talk to the person sitting/standing next to you. Question them thoroughly about what they do and learn all kinds of new things. Learning is a result of communication. By the time you get to work you may have a completely new outlook on life.
· Have you ever wanted to read blockbusters such as War and Peace or Les Miserables, but never had the time? Your train journey delays will give you the extra time to finish them.

Job Opportunities

Use the delays to network. Why waste your time looking for new employment in the papers. Ask the person next to you about what they do. If it's interesting and they have any power, ask them for a job.

Inteview Practice

If you have an interview, remember to leave an extra 3-4 hrs for train failures. You may be feeling nervous. Fear not. Use your train journey as a practice interview. Ask everyone in your carriage if they know about the company you are visiting. If so, bombard them with questions. You may learn an extra nugget of information which could clinch the job. Ask someone on the train to interview you. That extra preparation will help raise your confidence and iron out any inconsistencies.

Save money

The train prices are exorbitant, they are often late or don’t turn up at all. The heat, bad breath, smells, not being able to move and getting stuck in tunnels. At least in some third world countries they have the privilege of sitting on top when it’s too full inside.

But, There is a way to reap back the cost of your travel!

With over 3 million people travelling daily by tube, there's bound to be someone who can offer you their services - lawyers, doctors, alternative therapists, accountants, the list is endless. Think of the underground as the alternative yellow pages. Just shout out what service you need, befriend the person and get some free advice/consultation on anything you want to know.

Lose weight

Forget the gym. Travelling by tube is the perfect way to keep trim. With useless air conditioning and being squashed like a sardine, you will easily sweat those pounds away. You will therefore save money and no longer need to go to the gym.

Running for a seat will also help keep you fit. As they are few and far between, you will have to make a mad dash if you are to be successful in your mission. For extra weight loss, go in the rush hour. Tip: a sure-fire way to get your seat is to volley your bag onto it and claim what is rightfully yours.

Train Dating

Are you still waiting to meet the person of your dreams? Have you tried countless dating agencies, been on blind dates but are still alone? Well, look no further. Train dating could be the next big thing.

What better opportunity could you have of meeting so many people from all walks of life. If you spot a good-looking chap or beautiful woman, catch their eye and approach them.

Talk to them about the train delay you're experiencing - this is instantly common ground. Once you are relaxed, move onto more serious subjects such as their name, age and availability.

You've got nothing to lose. You could be meeting your future husband/wife. As one of three million tube travellers you will be spoilt for choice. It happened to Celia Johnson and Trevor Howard, in Brief Encounter, it can happen to you too.


The therapeutic value of essential oils has been recognised for hundreds of years.
They can combat a wide variety of ailments, such as high blood pressure, headaches, infections and stress.

To make your hectic journey more relaxing, buy some lavender oil and put a few drops on yours and other people's seat. Known for its calming and healing properties it will make your journey far more relaxing. Commuters may even start to smile at you on the train, instead of being grumpy.


We've all heard them: wrong kind of track, leaves and weather. Gypsies, sheep and cows on the line. Tracks have expanded/constricted. Driver is late. Not enough tea making facilities.

What next? Make use of those extra hours on the train and write some original excuses for the underground. Send in your recommendations and demand payment for your efforts.
Examples could include:
The pattern of the seat covers is wrong
The driver sneezed and has gone to lie down
We are cancelling this train because the man in the blue jacket on the platform has lovely blue eyes and the driver wants to chat him up.
The driver is going through a mid life crisis and thinks he’s Thomas The Tank Engine

Separate Train carriages

The train journey is stressful enough. This is heightened by many kinds of weird species that use the service such as:

Football hooligans
Commuters who talk really loudly
Mobile phone users who display their whole life story over the phone
People with irritating mobile phone rings
People who play their walkmans so loudly your eardrums almost burst
Those who read over your shoulder so as they are almost on intimate terms with you
People whom almost squash you to death when they sit next to you
Smelly people - especially garlic lovers
People who try and get on the train, even though there’s no room for a fly
People who shove and push you with their elbows, bags, rucksaks..

All these people should be put into a separate carriage. Making a stressful journey slightly more tolerable. Think of some more ideas and add them to this list.

And finally. Why not re-write the customer charter, have hours of fun and tell the world how commuting really is:

Re-write the customer charter

Current version

"London Underground aims to deliver the best possible service for all its customers. You want a quick, frequent and reliable train service, a safe clean and welcoming station environment with up-to-date information and helpful, courteous staff. This means a continuous demanding programme of improvements to meet rising expectations"

New Version

"London Underground aims to deliver you the most stressful and hellish journey to work. You will get an unreliable, overcrowded, smelly and sweaty service. In addition, we promise - inadequate announcements when delays occur, constant signal failures, never-ending and unique excuses and a whole assortment of other problems. Other bonuses include expensive tickets and price rises each year. We promise to deliver."

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