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Name : Roxanne Levy Email :
Location : London, UK Date : 04/07/2002

The Driving Test

The driving test – such an innocent little word, yet for many people it probably makes them feel sick and conjures up a world of nightmares and insecurity. That one little word will create the ultimate freedom, your life will change overnight. Now all you need to do is pass your test, what could be easier?

You’ve spent weeks on end living, breathing, eating and dreaming driving lessons, you can even taste them. Your instructor has decided that now that you are no longer crashing onto parked cars and knocking over old ladies, you are ready to take your test.

Everywhere you go, you take your highway code. On the bus you start to talk out loud, repeating the rules over and over again until you begin to have nightmares about being eaten by a traffic light. You try to hide the date of your driving test but your mum forces it out of you!

D-day arrives. The sun is shining, until you open the front door. It starts to thunder and pour with torrential rain.

Arriving at the centre and are told to sit in a small office. The walls seem like they are moving in, closer and closer. You can hardly breathe. All the victims waiting for the test all look like they are about to be executed. No one makes eye contact or says a word, until one guy catches your eye. From then on there is no stopping him. He rambles on and on and on telling you that this is his tenth test. He goes on to tell you that Mr Jones is the instructor from hell as he fails everyone.

Mr boring is then interrupted by your name being called out, and guess who your test instructor is? It’s Mr “hell” Jones!!!!

The music from The Omen starts to play in your head, coincidentally; he even looks like Damien, with little pointy ears and piercing, evil eyes..

You step outside to be greeted with a large cheer and singing; it’s your family and friends. Oh my god! What the hell are they doing here? You wait for the ground to open up and swallow you, this doesn’t happen. So you pretend that you have never seen them before and make out that they are crazy people. You try to start a conversation to divert him away from your embarrassing family, but Mr Omen ignores you. Right, if that’s how he wants to play it then this is war!

You get into the car, do all the usual checks, mirror, signal, manoeuvre. You make a big performance of putting on your seatbelt, so as to make it very obvious to Omen that you are a responsible driver. He must have got out of the wrong side of bed this morning, that is, if he sleeps at all. Maybe he’s a vampire, which would of course explain why he has large pointed teeth. The again, vampires only come out at night…

You turn on the ignition and the car refuses to start. You panic, oh my god this can’t be happening! You are about to swear, you stop just in time and smile sweetly at the Devil, trying to cover up your almost swearing marathon. You try again and the car revs into action. You are tempted to put your foot down on the accelerator, but you resist, you can do that once you’ve passed your test.

“Turn left” Mr Omen demands (he doesn’t even say please, how rude!)

The following will happen (delete as necessary)

· You switch the windscreen wipers on instead of signalling
· You push the signa indicator so hard that it breaks (you were nervous)
· You turn right instead of left (or vice versa)
· You ask if you can put the radio on to relax
· You see someone you recognise and start to wave and shout
· You ask if you can do a detour to visit your granny
· You ask him if he has watched The Omen

Your mind begins to wander and you start to think about Big Brother (I wonder who’s going to win…) Maybe Omen is watching it too. If he was on there he’d get voted out immediately. You’re so distracted, that you almost crash. You do an emergency stop and avert disaster. You are proud of you quick reflex action and wait for Omen to congratulate you, he doesn’t. He’s not amused. This man must have been born without the capability to smile, even his frown lines are frowning. Oh, of course that’s why he’s a driving instructor.

“I’d like you to pull over here and reverse around the corner” Damn it, You didn’t want him to ask you that as being so small you can hardly see out of the window

One of the following will happen

· You can’t see out of the window because you forgot to bring your cushion
· You forget to put the car in reverse and almost knock someone over
· Your neck locks when you turn round to see behind you
· You suffer from temporary amnesia and forget how to reverse
· You notice that the back window is dirty and offer to clean it
· A runaway donkey obstructs the car

The test has finished. What a shame, its been so much fun, in fact, it hasn’t gone too badly has it, only one or two minor incidents. You’re feeling rather confident and even invite the driving instructor to your after test party. Omen looks at you with an evil spine-chilling smirk. In your head, that music starts to play again.

At that moment, you know and he knows whats going to happen next. He turns to you and tells you with a false smile that he is sorry but you have failed on just about everything. In fact, you are the worst driver he has ever come across in his 40-year career. (Secretly you reckon that he’s been a driving instructor for a lot longer than that, after all he’s the devil)

You look at him and it suddenly dawns on you. He’s jealous of your good looks and charm. That’s why he has failed you. You decide you have nothing to lose and ask him if he has ever watched The Omen.

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