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Sue Simpson

Sue SimpsonI am Sue Simpson. I am 39 years old and live at Dalton-in-Furness at the southern tip of the Lake District. I am single and the mother of two sons (19) and Mark (10). I am an Occupational Therapist currently working as a Care In The Community Nurse. I share my home with one son, (the other one is off learning how to be a chef. eeeuu I've seen what he does with those hands) one kitten (whose living on borrowed time if she doesn't learn some manners quickly) and several snakes, lizards and rats.

I spend much of my free time writing because as a child I was placed in the care system and left pretty much to my own devices. After being branded ESN (educationally sub normal) and living for years with the label of being thick I turned to writing and art for inspiration and education. These days I can hold my own on most conversations though admit that my history of the seventeenth century and quantum physics may be a little rusty.

Currently with three-hundred short stories in my writing folder I write for an American magazine called Legends and am working on my second novel "Better The Devil you Know"

I love people and getting to know anyone I meet. I'll talk to anybody and often strike up conversations with people at bus stops or dosing on benches in the park, and I have been known to bring stray dogs home.. not to mention cats hedgehogs and broken birds..

I'm hoping one day to meet someone who will treat me well and whom I can love, but in the mean time I'm pretending to have fun kissing a few frogs. To date there have been two frogs since my divorce five years ago and both turned into slimy toads.

As long as I have my computer and can write I'm a happy person, I never have time to get bored.

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