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Questionnaire is constantly striving to provide the best service we can. With this in mind, we appreciate any feedback, and we take your criticism, whether its  positive or negative- VERY seriously. In order to help us improve our services we'd appreciate it if you could take a couple of minutes to  fill out this simple questionnaire to highlight areas in which we need to improve the site. You must enter a email address, but this will not to passed on to any third party.

 Full Name:

 Email Address:

 How did you find out about

 What do you like most about (please tick as many as you like)

The chance to have work published

The ease of submission

The prestige of having work published

Personal service

Other (please state in additional comment box)

 What do you dislike about (please tick as many as you like)

The lack of feedback from writers

The layout 

Other (please state in additional comment box)

 What do you expect of (please tick as many as you like)

Your work to be seen and published in paper form

Feedback from other writers

To get in touch with other writers

A personal service

A confidential Service

Other (please state in additional comment box)

 Which of the following would you like included in (please tick as many as you like)

A small fee to pass your work onto a number of industry contacts, while keeping the free option to display work

Online workshops for workshops

More interviews with industry veterans

To be put in touch with other writers 

More information about writing courses

Other (please state in additional comment box)

 Additional Comments: © Copyright