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Pete J Garbett

Pete J GarbettPete J Garbett (the J stands for “James”) was born in Penarth, South Wales in 1954, and brought up in Leicester, England, where he still lives. He has also lived and worked in France and Spain. He has done all kinds of jobs to earn a living, but he gave up full-time work three years ago to concentrate on writing; he survives by giving private tuition in English, French, Spanish and MS Word, as well as selling the occasional article.

His (now urgent) ambition is to become a professional novelist, playwright and screenwriter. He also writes poetry, but prose is his first love, and his favourite creators of it are Laurie Lee and Will Self, both of whom “in their very different ways celebrate the richness of the English language with virtually every sentence”.

Magical realism is his chosen genre, and his first novel, Azazel, which he intends to finish by the middle of January 2002, uses the device of demonic possession to illustrate the relative nature of good and evil. The demon, Azazel, empowers his unwitting host, the ineffectual and unfulfilled Cyril Crimp, who begins to enjoy control over his own life for the first time ever.

Find the opening chapter of Azazel here.

 © triple hitter 2002

