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Neil Wills

Neil WillsI've been writing for about 18 months now but alive for 45. My main interests lie within the comedy arena and, within that, mainly scriptwriting. My day job was in technology sales and before that the Royal Air Force.

Stamford Nights is a Feature Film. Hanging By a Thread, is in the TV Sitcom, Comedy series arena but could be used as a film. Is It Me? and Tilt are both aimed at television.

These pieces are all awaiting the interest of a producer or literary agent. Today I had another rejection. This time the phrase was 'I am not sufficiently enthusiastic about your work to offer representation'. I imagine many others who visit this site have suffered the same reaction and no doubt many more will experience it. The only answer to blind disinterest is to keep on keeping on as I guess we all know only too well.

The work on Triplehitter is not all I have done. Some short stories, journalism and an appalling poem have all been attempted along with writing and performing on a live internet radio broadcast from the local arts centre. Oh. Stand up comedy scripts as well.

My work can be found here, here, here and here. 

 © triple hitter 2002 

