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Joshua George

photo in the postMy name is Joshua George. I was born in American Fork, Utah. Alpine, tucked up in the corner of a big mountain is a very small place; and it's where I spent my childhood years. Soon after the childhood years I moved to Layton, still in Utah. I lived there and did high school for 3-4 years. I'm now in Provo Utah. Exciting. I moved away from where I initially started high school and when I moved away I wasn't familiar with the environment, or atmosphere of the other high school, so I took off and started doing my own thing. I'm 20, almost 21 years old. I'm also a very confused person.

I absolutely LOVE music; I'd die without it. Inspiration for writing and poetry, if they can be separated, comes from various musical bands/artists' I listen to. There's so many-Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails has been a MAJOR role model for what I write. I LOVE 80's music and have been currently listening to the Smiths and Erasure, amongst others.

I LOVE movies and photography. David Fincher is a favorite director of mine; as are Tim Burton, James Cameron and many others.

I started writing about 2-3 years ago. It's my goal to write a novel and have it published. I still don't know what it's going to be about. What started me writing is a man by the name of Chuck Palahniuk. I praise the man up and down everyday of my life. Well, Chuck Palahniuk and little word magnets that I made poetry out of and magnetized to the refrigerator was what REALLY got me started. I did this (the magnet thing) when I had no job and was a bit too bored. It was fun and gave me a first experience with poetry. I like poetry because I LOVE words and how they can look and feel beautiful (and SO many other things,and much more) together. If placed in the right place, words can mean more than words; and that's corny or cheesy or whatever; but I believe it.

My favorite writers are Shirley Jackson, JG Ballard, and the awesome (love his short stories! My favorite is "The Cloud Sculptors of Coral D.") Chuck Palahniuk. All of them have had bigger-than-words effects on me and my life. Peter Murphy is a fabulous poetry lyricist, as is Sting, and again, Trent Reznor. Many others are not included, or mentioned, because I don't have room to write them.

My work has been seen only on Triple Hitter, which I'm proud of because it's an amazing and graceful site, and my work can be found here and here.

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