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GA Hauser

G A HauserI grew up in the shadow of New York City in a New Jersey suburb. Creativity has always been in my blood. I pursued that goal in a Manhattan art college. The only problem was putting food on the table. If you think selling books is tough, try paintings. I moved out to the 'trendy' city of Seattle, Washington in the 1980's. As a joke I applied to the Seattle Police Department, for lack of a better idea. They allowed a liberal, hippy, art student to join the ranks of the conservative blue army. For ten years I contacted felons, fought dirtbags, and exchaged gunfire with the lowest form of humans on the planet. Having had quite enough of that, I fled to the UK to pursue my writing career. 'Pirates' is my 10th novel, and certainly not my last. Being an artist and a cop drives one into the realm of fantasy life. So, I escaped the nonsense of reality to a world where beautiful men did my bidding. A place I much prefer. I am bored with the fiction books that currently line the shelves. They never cross the line of sexuality to my liking. I'm not interested in gay porn and enjoy mixing genres to a whole new breed of read. Something that interests all open-minded readers, what a concept. I write for the pure pleasure of it. A place where my warped sexual fantasies can come alive. Ahh, bliss.... I have previously been published as a regular contributor to the Guardian, police guild newspaper, and the Japanese web-site, she-tv, for my monthly columns.

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