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why not advertise here?

We would like to offer you the chance to enter our banner exchange programme. As any website will know, getting noticed on the web is a BIG problem. There are millions and millions and websites, so how do you get yours seen? 

Every website has some space set aside for adverts to generate that extra bit of revenue. But very little of this space is ever used. Empty spaces make websites look unprofessional and unused. So lets fill up them spaces!

If you have a website and want to advertise on, but cant afford to pay for the privilege, why not enter our banner exchange programme? Its as simple as it sounds, we put a banner advertising your site on ours, and you put our banner on yours. Free advertising with minimum effort. 

Our banners can be downloaded from below, by right-hand mouse clicking on the image and saving as "triplehitter". When inserted onto your site please link it to If you want to enter our programme, send an email to with your banner and we'll place your banner on our site.

What have you got to lose?

triplehitter large banner 468 x 60 pixels

triplehitter large banner 450 x 60 pixels

triplehitter small banner 300 x 55 pixels © Copyright