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Anthony Hulse

Anthony HulseI am a 43 year old steelworker living in the north-east of England, married with three sons. I have been writing for almost a year and in that time I have written five novels and seventeen short stories.

My new shift system afforded me so much free time, one day I sat in front of my computer and compiled my first novel Insanity Never Sleeps, a psychological thriller, more of an experiment that anything.

After much encouragement from friends and colleagues, I sent it off to Literary Agents without success. I am now in the process of rewriting it. I have experimented in most genres but my specialties are horrors and thrillers.

I have since discovered there is a catch 22 situation when dealing with publishers and agents. Publishers require you to have an agent and most agents want published writers. I write on in hope that one day I will see my work in print; I only wish I had found the inspiration at an earlier age.

People ask me what books I read and are surprised when I tell them I haven read a book in years. I write because I enjoy it and if I do actually get anything in print, then so be it.

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