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Annmarie O'Connor

annmarieoconnorAnnmarie O'Connor hails from Long Island, New York but has been living in Ireland for nearly 17 years. With a mother from Inishbofin and a father from Brooklyn, she seems to literally be caught between "a rock and a hard place"! If you ask her what nationality she considers herself to be, don't be suprised if the answer is "a cross-cultural hybrid".

She attended University College Galway where she read English and Italian at B.A. level and Literature and Publishing for her Master's. She also studied Italian Renaissance theatre for a year in Bologna where she cultivated her love for all things Italian (which currently includes The Sopranos ).

She is currently working for a publishing company but has taught at both third and second levels and apparently suffered an ill-fated stint as a recruitment consultant.

Her favourite writers include Douglas Coupland (the subject of her thesis), Bret Easton Ellis, Umberto Eco and Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

Her influences as a poet are her own personal experiences. She paraphrases Coupland in referring to them as "these small silent moments which are the true story-making events of our lives". (Life After God: p.255)

Her work has featured in Write Here! Right Now!, Voyage, Mslexia, Lexikon, Snakeskin, The Gentle Reader, Purr and the Greenwich Village Gazette, and can be seen here.

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